Monday, October 8, 2012

Temorary Bucket List.

So, living in a foreign country is just not enough for me.
Obviously I am a big dreamer because most people would think that would be enough, no need to add more to my plate but I beg to differ so I have decided to make a "bucket list" of things to do while I am here in Ecuador.

1. Run a Half Marathon here in Quito.
               -I hope to be ready by November...we will see.

2. Crochet a Blanket. (I have a long way to go)

3. Cook atleast 10 Ecuadorian dishes (1 down, 9 to go)

4. Increase my Spanish Vocabulary.
            -No I have no certain goal in mind but I hope when I have been here a  year, I can say that my
            spanish has gotten better.

5. Become close friends with this group of awesome kids:
                These are my Guardians and I can't wait to share the year with them. I know the Lord has big
                things in store for this group of high schoolers and I can't wait to watch.
Guardians Retreat at Parque Metropolitano 

6. Paint the house: White walls, enough said.

7. Memorize Scripture: my goal is three verses a week.

8. Climb one mountain a month. ( haha, told you I was a big dreamer)
                 okay okay atleast climb Cotapaxi.

9. Become a Salsa Dancer.
         - I am well on my way, dont worry.

10. Eat Out at least ONCE a week.
              -Odd goal I know but living here in Ecuador its possible because its not expensive (AT ALL)
               and an adventure that I don't want to miss out on.

11. Try everything from the Man with the Van.
                 - I should probably explain: So there's this man that is always parked out on the street by the
                  school that I work and he sells food like Tamales and Humitas and other random
                  Ecuadorian food and yes he sells its out of the back of his van and I am determined to try it
                  all. Sketchy, yeah to the average american but is it good food...YES!! and this easily trumps
                  the sketchiness.

12. Go to Banos: (and no I dont mean the bathroom for those of you who may speak some spanish, haha)

13. Go Zip Lining.

14. Try one new Ecuadorian fruit a month (or 2 or 3)

15. Make Canelazo (probably more than once)
                Ecuadorians version of apple cider is my best description of this awesome drink except its
               way better and doesn't consists of any apples.

16. Send atleast 2 emails a week to people back home!

17. Ride in a Taxi by myself.
            -not easy when you dont know your address...or can't say it. Learning that should probably come first huh? haha

18. Go to a Soccer Game. (the sport I know nothing about)

19. Try QuiQui- That would be guinea pig....yes, a common food here. ( :/)

20. Most importantly, Make Disciples. Acts 20:24, Matthew 28:19-20.

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