Soooo, its the blog that you all should have seen coming....its definitely the blog I knew I would be writing eventually.
However, putting it off only made me put the realization off...until now that is.
I have come to the realization that I am leaving Ecuador...leaving Ecuador for good (or at least for an extended amount of time with no idea when I will return). I could have sworn that I knew this realization months ago, like months and months ago when I decided to leave but I was wrong...first time for everything? right? ;)
So, Why today you may ask? or you may not but if you did, go ahead, keep reading, if you didn't, each their own.
Back to the question: Why today? Well, I wouldn't say today was the first day but I would definitely say it hit me hard today and I am guessing ( knowing my pattern of emotionalness) it won't be the last but today it was not just the realization that I am leaving...a new realization came about (and maybe that is why it hit me so hard).
The realization of "things coming to an end" I have always hated it in my life. Seriously, I hated the end of high school---I, unlike most people, loved high school. I hated the end of college. and now this...I hate the "End of Ecuador."
No my friends, I am not one that fears change. I actual thrive on change because I hate monotony (which I know I have talked about before here-- probably more than once). I just don't like when things have to end and they seem to end so abruptly and even though there ARE warnings--calendars, reminders, countdowns, people, etc. Whether you know its going to happen or not it doesn't change how FAST it happens.
Seriously though....things that are stopping abruptly in my life today/this week that have made me realize this:
1. My TA, Jenna, comes everyday except Thursdays at 9:30. That ends on Friday. Like what?!
2. We have a ladies workout group at a friends house--the last one was TODAY. What?
3. Wendy's last day to join me and my first graders during PE time is Friday....
4. My PE classes end.
5. Chapels ended for me LAST week.
6. LAST roomie dinner---next week. 1 more. WHAT??>!
**AND this is just to name a few.
But, the point to this blog is so so much more than pouring out my tears via blogpost.
The point is to reminisce on the things I LOVE about ECUADOR, these PEOPLE, the SCHOOL, and LIFE here. To give you a list (if you know me, you know I LOVE list!! :)) of things that I will miss NOT being here:
--No, these are in no certain order--my brain isn't that organized.
1. FRUIT--the unique fruit and the price of fruit.
2. Mountains--surrounding me.
3. Constant Fall/Spring weather.
4. Tiendas--gotta love convenience.
5. Manicures
6. Alliance Academy International
7. Carolina Park---the long runs and fruit stands.
8. Magic Bean breakfast
9. Starting random TV shows with the roomies as a nightly activity
10. School plays and concerts to go and see.
11. My Dentist. :)
12. Workin out with Kat.
13. Street Performers
14. Mandarinas
15. Significantly cheaper movie tickets
16. Sweet n Coffee
17. Grocery trips and Taxi rides
18. Naomi---and to think that our friendship all started with her nose! :) haha love you for it!
19. Jenna--BEST TA ever! ;) and so much more!
20. Courtney
21. Alisa
22. Wendy
23. The Coes!...Bobby! (however we will be reunited in the good ole south)
24. Buying DVDS
25. Guitig--aka--carbonated water.
26. Candied Peanuts.
27. Avacado (in abundance)
28. Chifles
29. Christmas Community Sing-a-long
30. The Trole---Okay, not really. ;)
31. Scarves
32. Workouts at Jens
33. Making Juice
34. Walking everywhere
35. Our Roof
36. Sunday Walks
37. Crepes and Waffles Marroqui Salad
38. Leading songs in Chapel
39. Paul Coka- I could probably list student after student but I chose Paul because...well...its much as he loves to joke on me and as much as I love to act like I hate it...I am grateful for our love/hate relationship.
40. Lunches in the sunshine with Jess
41. Lock- Ins-- haha but probably not.
42. My "ecua-mom" Sylvie
43. Hugs from Aiden Tuten
44. Speaking Spanish (or at least trying)
45. Scorekeeping basketball games
46. La Ronda and Canelazo
47. Preschool kids- Micah Becker--we've come a long way since day one when he ran away from PE class and hid. Abby girl--I can't wait to see who this girl will grow up and be--no rush--but its going to be pretty awesome! Rafael--Rafa--ahhhh!! cutest kid ever. enough said. Anahi- wow. love that diva. ;) and thats only to name a few. haha
48. Roomie Dinner Nights. --Wednesdays sometimes could not come soon enough.
49. Kat!!!!--if I begin to write I won't stop and it would practically be a blog within a blog so I will refrain but as now one of my BEST friends and one day BRIDESMAID ;) she will definitely be missed.
50. Looking out my and saying to myself..."This is my life..." "This is where I live..." Because this will no longer be my life or be where I live and that is a sad realization.
I now will STOP being so depressing and CHOOSE joy! I choose joy and thank God for the opportunities I have had over the past two years. I Choose joy in the fact that I have lived in a foreign country (and can now cross that and so many other things off my bucket list) I choose joy and am thankful for the people i have met and the people I now call friends from all different walks of life.
I leave Ecuador in 48 hours but as a glass half full kind of girl I am choosing joy and praising God for each and every moment, memory and person!
-I love YALL and will miss YALL so very much!
-Until next time,
Choose joy,
Saved by grace,