Sunday, May 11, 2014

Choosing Joy: and Randomly updating.

Hi All,
Here is a random update from yours truly! ;)

No, but really, I realize it has been a while since I last updated and I also realize that the last time I updated was when I had just gotten held up at gun point on the street so some of you may have thought I got busy and some of you may have thought something happened.....

Well, I'm here to say I am still alive and just wanted to give an update of the last couple of months of my life here in Ecuador (pictures included) and give you a little glimpse of what is ahead.

Are you ready?!

Since my ever memorial Valentine's day (not due to any man in my life) other than the two strange men in which we were attacked by, life has been moving pretty fast past here in Quito, Ecuador.

Since then here is a list of things/events that has happened:

SEW- Elementary Spiritual Emphasis week (round 2) for my Elementary kiddos and it was indeed a success!

FUSION- High School Girls retreat- Im so happy and feel so accomplished that this event happened! Yep, Kat and I were in charge on this one in which we organized a whole weekend retreat for our high school girls---and what a fun weekend it was. Thanks to an awesome team of adults our high school girls were able to have a fun, hopefully unforgettable weekend.

EASTER BREAK: Beach Trip! Need I say more? However, it wouldn't be my life if it didn't consist of a little adventure along the way---meaning--having to leave a day late because our rented van was put in the shop--THE day we were suppose to leave. But, we got there and it was well worth the wait and the trip. Our Easter beach getaway consisted of cabanas on an isolated peninsula--that you could only get to during low tide- and hammocks right on the water. Perfection! This trip was included with fresh seafood dishes, a fruit picnic on the beach and morning runs in the sand.

PAPALLACTA: Hot Springs!!! whoop whoop! Our bible study took a little day trip to the hot springs and enjoyed RELAXTION together--nothing says community and fellowship like lounging in our bathing suits right?

ASAA TOURNEMENT: This event was a school tournament that consisted of lots of soccer and basketball games among about 6 different schools--so whats this have to do with me? Well, first, being school spirited KB I would have been there to root on those teams with my red and black no matter what but I had the privilege of heading up a Pee Wee Cheer squad with my Preschool and Kindergartners. Talk about adventure!? This is totally one of those things that sounds good but once it happens you kind of question your sanity--okay, not kind of you---you totally question your sanity and decision making skills. haha but it was really fun and I totally got to relive those cheerleading glory days--not to the extent of home pom practices with Kenya and Friday pep rallies--but hey, it was as close as I could get. Also, Kat and I have become professional scorekeepers for basketball and we kept the score for the games which definitely kept us busy all weekend.

LA CASA DE RAFA: Kat, Jess and I took a day trip out to Tumbaco to eat at a restaurant--yep, what we will do for food. (foodies I guess you could say ;)) but this was not just any restaurant-- we ate in a completely pitch black cave and were served by the blind--Yep--you guessed it--I ate with my hands---it was my best option---this was a really cool experience, atmosphere and amazing food.

So, see, I wasn't lying about being busy--its been busy.

AND on top of all of this I am prepping to head back to the states ( for those of you who did NOT know- I will be moving back July 3rd to be exact) Happy Independence Day America! :)
**PS-very excited to be celebrating the 4th of July at home!

But, I do have a lot to do before I head back--here is a small list to keep you interested...(in case those of you that made it this far are getting a little bored)

1. Buy Souvenirs of course
2. Take my Personal Trainer tests (and become certified)--more on this one later.
3. Figure out what will go home and what will stay here AKA- Packing.
4. Apply to Substitute in Desoto County
5. Live it up here before I have to leave for a while. :/ ---i'll update you on all I get to do between now and July 3rd.

So- to elaborate- if you aren't someone I talk to on a regular basis then you're a bad friend...;) just kidding-- if that is the case for you then you may ONLY know 1 thing and that is that I am moving back but you may (or may not) be curious on what it is that I will be doing when I return.....
DRUM ROLL PLEASE...............

1. I am currently getting Personal Trainer certified ONLINE-- I take my practical and multiple choice tests in the next couple of weeks and will humbly admit that I am very nervous. If you know me this may NOT come as a surprise---if you don't know me then you may NOT know that I am kind of a health freak--love to run, work out, eat healthy food and learn more about what makes us humans healthy and on the contrary what does NOT. (PS- totally thought I was in pretty good shape until I started this program) However, I find myself trying even harder to be the healthiest I can be and take care of this body and life that I have been given. Because quite frankly that is my goal for when I DO become a personal trainer---I want to encourage people to do the same and can I just say---I AM SOOO OOOOO OOOO EXCITED! I wish that I could express my emotion via blog post but it just doesn't show via internet but I will say it again I AM SOOOOO SOOOOO OOOOO EXCITED! This has been a dream of mine for a really long time and I am so proud that I 1. made a decision 2. get to check this off my bucket list and 3. get to do something that I love.

2. I will be applying to substitute teach in the Desoto county area--yep, moving home with mom and dad AKA-- my roomies. (they're gonna love that one) But I figured this is something I can always have in my back pocket when I may need it.

3. For those of you that know me really well and were with me last year in my decision making process--then you may remember my goal of getting my Masters--well, that is still on my lists of things to do...stay tuned!

Well, I have given you a small recap on the past couple of months and given you a glimpse of things to come but now I want to share a few of the things I have learned along the way (still praying for that teachable spirit)

1. Patience, Patience, Patience--this has been a common struggle in all aspects of my life--patience with my kids, patience with people, patience with the Lord's plan, patience with my time remaining here and time when I move back.

2. I NEED the LORD--like every, single, minute of every day! and I all too often forget that. I actually forget that too often. (unfortunately) but I do think that my will power, healthy food, exercise and checklists can get me through the day...NOT.

3. Contentment---what do I mean by that? Good question! I need contentment in my life--the life the Lord has given me--yep, I have said this before I am sure and I regret to inform you that I will probably say it again a time or two in my life--get use to it followers--but I am reminded to be content here, where I'm at, no matter how much I NOW KNOW that I do NOT wanna be a teacher and NO matter how sure I am of whats next--I need to be content on being here. I also know that I will need to be content in the career path the Lord has guided me in--NO, I may not be a big money making banker or surgeon but I pray to choose joy in the work of the Lord--even on the bad days--I am smart enough to know that no matter how much I am excited about my new life decisions and career I know there will be bad days so I pray to be content in those! :)

Well, there is a few to start......
and I will be kind enough to end the rambling here with some pictures but I hope you enjoyed the random update---stay tuned for more!



Birthday FUN! 


Girls Retreat. 

Group PIC. 

Fearless Leaders! 

Its ONLY fun if you get a little messy! 

and one more for the fun of it! 
The Girls at the Beach!