Saturday, January 4, 2014

Choosing Joy: and going HOME for the Holidays.

I use the term HOME lightly here because I will admit Grande Centeno in Quito, Ecuador has become my home away from home.

However, I did have the opportunity to come "HOME" to the good ole U.S. of A for our school's Christmas break! (for 3 weeks might I add)
I learned a lot can be done in 3 weeks (a lot can't be done in 3 weeks) but a lot CAN be done in this amount a time and thats what I want to share in this blog.

Since, I am very fond of Instagram (kaybee450)  I can say I have done a good job at keeping my followers updated over the holidays....from my arrival at the ATL airport---first stop Chick Fil A, then our family "shopping" trip to Nashville with the aded bonus of The Christmas Spectacular featuring The Rockettes to NYE with my high school girlfriends (yup--over 10 years with some of them and still going strong)

BUT like I was saying since I am prone to Instagram I won't ramble about all the trips taken, memories made, things purchased, and Christmas traditions had.
Not too too much anyway. ;)

But if you are willing to give me some of your time, I would like to tell you what I figured out while being home after being away, overseas, in Ecuador for 6 months.

1. (my mom will laugh at this one- especially it being number 1)
   Hate me if you want but I HATE Wal-Mart. I do and I am not scared to admit it. Wal-Mart does nothing for me. I don't enjoy going, I don't find satisfaction with the items I receive from Wal-Mart, and I don't leave the place feeling like a better person.

2. New Years resolutions are not always overrated. I have never been one to make a New Years resolution or should I say I have never been one to stick to a New Years resolution. I have always found them pretty cheesy and pretty "overrated" but that could be my way of justifying my lack of follow through or lack of made resolutions. However, this year, New Years was enjoyable for me, I am excited about the year 2014 and I even made a few resolutions...stay tuned and I might share.

3. I have awesome parents. #justsaying. They really are though. They have taken care of me in more ways than I can list right now for 23 years and they still continue to love me and take care of me. I don't have stick in the mud parents, stuck in their ways parents, divorced parents, workaholic parents, unhappy parents...Im not trying to rub this in anyone's face so I pray that no one is offended (however--side note- another thing I learned in the states- everyone gets offended about everything- easily offensive people have become a new pet peeve of mine--just a side note though) but anyways--all offense aside I have really happy, God-seeking, loving, successful, hard working, caring, in love, parents! and I had so much fun in the 3 weeks I had with them.

4. I might just have an addiction to running.... I ran everyday while I was home (thats 3 weeks, 21 days) and thats ALOT of miles. However, Im not a very pleasant or sane person without it. Hints, why I think I might just be addicted. But, I also felt the affects of that addiction this time...the bad knee definitely did not agree with the addiction and action of running everyday. I guess I can rest it when I get back to Ecuador. Yeah, right?!!!

5. I want to continue my education. What?!! Kirsten (KB) wants to do more school. weird right? Most of you may not know I have a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). In college (for at least two out of four years) I was on the track to go to PT school. I lost motivation for that career path pretty quickly and the Lord drastically changed my route to south.....america. But now, after my year and a half over seas I have come to know a lot about who I am, what I like, what I don't like, and what I want to do with my life: Do I still want to own a coffee shop? YES. Do I still love health and fitness? YES. I do, and still want that a part of my everyday life. Do I really want one job, for the rest of my life? well, NO, but Im taking it a step at a time, year at a time, and next year I will be back in the states pursuing my Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and I am so excited about school....YES, but also about pursing things I am passionate about and seeking after the Lord's plan for my life. I am excited to see what all He has in store for me in the next 6 months in Ecuador and when I return to the States in July.

a few other little things:
- I love going out for breakfast (brunch is even better)
-Memphis has a really cool area called Midtown--who knew?
-I don't like cold weather.
- I have become a pro at packing (thats saying a lot when you're talking a foreign country for 6 months)
- I have awesome friends (near and far)
- I loved/have missed the TODAY show.
-Bowl Games! :)
-Growing up isn't all its cracked up to be most of the time...but it has its moments.

Until Next Time,
Choose Joy.
Saved by grace,