Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Choosing Joy: and organizing Spiritual Emphasis Week.

Hi Yall,
Its been a while but I do have an update of recent event here at Alliance Academy.
Its called Spiritual Emphasis Week or SEW and specifically Elementary SEW because as the Elementary Chaplain this is a part of my job description.

At first, my attitude towards this past week was pretty negative for many reasons.
1. I was super anxious
2. very nervous that I was going to do something wrong or forget something, nervous the kids wouldn't enjoy it...just plain out nervous.
3. My schedule was changing, we had chapel all week, which meant no PE classes for Miss. K which mean't preparing lesson plans in advance and coming back this week to some disoriented Preschool kids.
So, you see my attitude was not good because of some pretty natural human reasons.

But, you will be happy to know the week turned out pretty fantastic.
And there are many reasons why.

1. We had an awesome speaker from the states by the name of Randy Christensen. (www.randysinfo.com) Randy was indeed a clown and Miss K was super nervous. If you were a part of my childhood then you will understand and know that I do NOT do clowns so this could have been another reason for my anxiousness. HOWEVER, Randy was an awesome clown, a great magician, talented speaker, cool minister for children, and a brother in Christ and I am so very thankful the Lord provided such a wonderful speaker to have for my first SEW.

2. The kids loved it! and that brought me great joy...to look out in the audience of students and it be filled with laughter and excitement is a pretty big deal to me! so thank God for their acceptance and response.

3. I had a hard working committee that helped support me both before the week of and during the week of SEW. They helped me to do this:

Yes, we did turn the chapel into a circus tent. :) 

And what a circus it was but...in a good way!
It was a week full of entertainment but also a week full of Jesus and I needed that just as much as the kiddos. 

It has been very evident in my life (to atleast me- and many of those around me) that I haven't been happy, joyful Kirsten (or Miss. K). I will admit to all of you that I still have days where I struggle to find joy in the Lord because of my workload, students' behaviors, or just life (and the fact that it is hard) in general. 

But, its weeks like SEW and the reminders that Randy preached on like: 
-God has a plan for you 
-A plan special for you as an individual created by God. 
- Prayer-don't hesitate to communicate with God
-and making sure to lean on the Lord to be the controller of our thoughts and minds. 

All of this hit home with me and are still sinking in as I sit and write this blog update. 
I am trying to remember I am here in Ecuador for a second year for a reason---for more reasons that I can ever think up. I am trying to remember that I am made in a special way with special talents and the Lord wants me to use those for His glory and in this time of my life, He wants me to use them in Ecuador. I am trying to remember that the Lord cares about me and what I have to say...He also knows what I have to say without saying it so it would be wise for me to bring it to His feet. I am trying to remember that my thoughts are big battle for me: thoughts of self-pity, overwhelming thoughts of my job, thoughts of being alone, thoughts, thoughts, and more thoughts. but I do realize that the battle of the mind is just another opportunity that Satan wants to take a hold of. 

I say these are all reminders. The Lord used Randy and SEW to remind me of these things. 
but...at this moment, they are solely reminders and are still struggles that are going on with me here in Ecuador and if you want to be honest with yourself probably you too in some way. 
Whether in Ecuador, the States, or some land far far away...struggles like these always exist and what I am also trying to remind myself of is... "how am I going to respond to this?" 

And  I leave you with that because it is a thought I want to ponder as well. Mainly because I know I haven't responded in the best of ways and hope to do better in the future. 

I also want to leave you with some fun pictures of SEW that I think you will enjoy. 

My photographers.