In planning for my year in Ecuador I realized the first step to making this happen would be purchasing a plane ticket. Sooooo, I did. Plane ticket for Ecuador has been bought for August 19th–departing from Memphis. This made it real and resulted in me getting real nervous. Yes, I am nervous, anxious, excited, happy, scared, you name it, I probably feel it. However I am continuing to learn everyday that the Lord is taking care of me and that includes taking care of all the fine details that go into leaving the country for a year. Who would have thought that so much has to be done before I can just up and move to another country?!! Crazy! I have said over and over I can’t wait to see what the Lord has to teach me while I am in Ecuador but the Lord is already teaching me so much through just the process of getting there. One thing being patience. Yes, patience..something I was not blessed with but am learning…slowly. Psalm 27:14 has been my go to verse in the past couple of weeks and a verse I think I will be clinging to a lot as this process continues to progress or should i say SLOWLY progress. (hints why I need the patience) I pray that this verse will be my constant reminder to the timing of the Lord’s plan.
“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”
Saved by grace,