Sunday, September 8, 2013

Choosing Joy: and Starting a new school year.

Some of you know and some of you don't know that my role here in Ecuador at Alliance Academy looks a bit different than last year.
Last year= volunteer.
This year= Elem. PE teacher for Pre-k, Kinder, and 1st grade. and Elementary Chaplain.

Im excited to be in these positions this coming year but also nervous.

Spidey said it best right?!! (if you wanna be technical, it was Voltaire. Yes, I will admit I owe Google Search the credit on that one) 

And I wouldn't technically say POWER when referring to my new role/positions but whatever you wanna call them; they do come with GREAT RESPONSIBILITY. 

These new positions started this week. Yes, school started this week, on Monday Sept. 2nd. The monday I knew as Labor Day for 22 years of my life might I add. 
However the start of the school year was a staggered start in which our 7-12 graders came on Monday and on Tuesday they were joined by K-6 graders and on Wednesday came our Preschoolers. Don't ask me way because the only answer I can give you is "The Ecuadorian government" would that suffice? 

So the week started off on Wednesday for me with PE classes for Kindergarten and Preschool. 
As someone who loves exercise and being physically active I was very motivated to be able to be a part of enforcing this with such a young age however the only focus we had this week for our preschool classes was learning how to get in a line and then stay there. 
Yes, that is where we will start on Monday. Sooo I learned its gonna be a slow process...slower than normal with the language barrier but i'm sure most people will tell me...."its worth it in the end" 

I ran my first chapels on thursday as the new Elem. Chaplain. 
EC chapel at 8:45
Upper Elem Chapel at 10:30 
Lower Elem. Chapel at 1:00. 

Talk about NERVOUS. wow. I was so anxious I arrived at school at 7:15 that day...and good thing I did because my MAC powerpoints didnt transfer to the PC world so I had to do them all over again. 
Stressful situation number 1 of the day. 
There were many more of those to follow being my first time and all but...when they were all finished I couldn't help but look back at the day on thursday and smile because I realized I had just got to spend the day doing something I really do love...singing...dancing...laughing...hanging out with kids...and talking about JESUS. 
Encouragement of that day: 
Jose Ignacio (4th grader) "Ms. K, you did good...for your first time."
Yep folks, I am taking THAT as a compliment. 

Friday FINALLY came after a full week of not only Elem. stuff but high school events and I was so ready to do NOTHING. 
Yep, it was Friday night and ALL i wanted to do was nothing and its EXACTLY what I did. 

So, now its the Sunday before week 2 and I sit back and ask myself am I ready??
Am I ready for another Preschooler to run off during my class--- Yep, it happened. 
(This same preschooler also saw me at church today and said... "Ms. K!!! Do you remember me?!!"
And all I could think really think I could forget you?!! Crazy Kid!)
Am I ready to put on another puppet show?
Am I ready to go here, Am i ready to go there?

The answer is probably NO to all these questions but good thing the Lord is ready. 
Yep, I threw that Jesus card out there because its true. Theres no way I could have gotten through this week without Him and theres no way I will get through the next one without Him either. 

I do have to add it is such a joy to be where I am doing what I am doing and being able to write about my 2nd year in Ecuador. Its still crazy that I write to you as a PE teacher and ELEM. Chaplain but thats okay! I know there are more adventures coming soon so stay tuned! 

Until Next Time, 
Saved by grace, 

1 comment:

  1. KB, Thank you for taking the time to update us with all things Ecuador on your blog. :) I am so excited for you that week 1 of school is under your belt and you are starting week 2 today! I am praying for you and the many roles you fulfill down there. Love you girl. -Beth
